Apresentações nos dias do congresso
Aqui você pode conferir o programa 17 de Junho y 18 de Junho
La implantación de la Directiva 91/271 sobre depuración de aguas residuales urbanas en la Unión Europea: logros y retos.
Jovana Gojkovic. Red Aqua Pública Europea
El proceso de la implantación de la Directiva 91/271 en Portugal
Sara Antunes. Diretora de Engenharia e Operação. AdP VALOR. Grupo Aguas de Portugal
El proceso de la implantación de la Directiva 91/271 en España
Adolfo Torres Sáchez. Coordinador de Área de la SG de Programación y Gestión Económica y Presupuestaria
Valorization of exhausted activated carbon and alum sludge from drinking water treatment plants as reactive substrate in treatment wetlands
Mª Isabel García Cárdenas. Instituto de Ingeniería del Agua y Medio Ambiente. Universitat Politècnica de València
Innovation in vegetation filters for wastewater treatment and resource recovery
Isabel Martín García PhD. Fundación CENTA
Extensive wwtp project with floating wetlands with helophite sieves
Ramón I. Martinez Castilla. Director Soluciones Globales
Francisco J. Carbonell Espin. Director ASEGO
Urban wastewater treatment assesment using a constructed wetland with Schoenoplectus californicus
Osvaldo D. Frutos. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Asunción
Effect of changing the feeding/ resting cycle in modified vertical wetlands for domestic wastewater treatment
Ismael Vera Puerto. Departamento de Obras Civiles, Universidad Católica del Maule
Feasibility analysis of the utilization of constructed wetlands in small high- andean urban agglomerations
Jose Luis Pineda Tapuia. PhD. Universidad Pública de Juliaca
Resultados IDiAqua y su contribución a la depuración en pequeñas poblaciones
Juan R. Pidre. Coordinación IDiAqua. Fundación CENTA
Evaluation of sewage treatment through microalgaebacteria consortia in a raceway photo membrane bioreactor
Jineth Andrea Arango Oviedo. Pontificia Univ. Católica de Valparaíso
Experimental operation of an algae-bacteria mixotrophic reactor fed with urban wastewater
Manuel Domínguez Gómez. Universidad de Cádiz
Photosynthetic bacteria-based membrane bioreactor as an advanced treatment of a secondary effluent
Luisa Vera Peña PhD. Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología Farmacéutica, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife
New agitation and separation technologies for semi-intensive microalgae wastewater treatment
Javier Dávila Martín (Departamento de Ing. Aeroespacial y Mecánica de Fluidos) Universidad de Sevilla y D&B Tecnología S.L
Urban wastewater from primary treatment followed by microalga cultivation for chlorella vulgaris biomass production. ph influence
Gassan Hodaifa. Molecular Biology and Biochemical Engineering Department. University of Pablo de Olavidede Sevilla y D&B Tecnología S.L
Techno-economic analysis of microalgae-based wastewater treatment in small communities
Bárbara Vazquez Romero. Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones Marinas. Universidad de Cádiz
Low cost wastewater treatment in anaerobic photobioreactors enriched in purple phototrophic bacteria
Patricia Zamora. Departamento de Innovación y Tecnología. Aqualia FCC
Valuation of small doses of H2O2 for solar water disinfection enhancement
Azahara Martinez Gracía. Plataforma Solar de Almería-CIEMAT
Novel direct ultrafiltration system assisted by coagulation-flocculation for sewage treatment
Luisa Vera. PhD Chemical Engineering and Pharmaceutical Technology Department. University of La Laguna
The versatility of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment
Ana Galvao PhD. CERIS.Instituto Superior Técnico.Univeridad de Lisboa
On the ecological benefits of using constructed wetlands for treating wastewater in small urban areas in a mediterranean region
María Peña García. Grupo Global Omnium
The use of constructed wetlands for water recycle in the kinderboerderij de uylenburg, amsterdam
Leticia Weber Oliveira. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto
Developing a new design of anaerobic digester for the treatment of raw wastewater in combination with constructed wetlands
Marta Sánchez Núñez. Departamento de Química. Universidad de La Coruña
Soil amendments to improve nutrient attenuation in vegetation filters
Virtudes Martinez Hernández. IMDEA Agua
Application of floating wetland islands for water and habitat promotion in two contexts: urban river and small fish farm
Ana María Antâo-Geraldes. Centro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO), Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
Depuración en Pequeñas Poblaciones: la experiencia de NILSA
Gregorio Berrozpe Ullate. Director de Obras y Proyectos
Anaerobic treatments: advanced technologies for wastewater treatment in small urban settlements
Raul Barros PhD. CIMA - Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da Universidade do Algarve
Performance analysis of innovative upflowanaerobic reactor at the lagos and loulé WWTP
Sara Barreto. Process Engineer. Aguas do Algarve. Grupo Aguas de Portugal
Evaluation and mathematical modeling of a new filtering device to improve the efficiency of removal of contaminants in UASB reactors
Kevin David Rodriguez González. Faculty of Civil Engineering – Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Mexico
Sewage sludge: from enviromental waste to agronomic biostimulants
Pablo Caballero PhD. Dpto. Bioquímica y Biología Molecular. Universidad de Sevilla
Conversion of drying beds into macrophytic beds to dehydrate sluds in alcoutim WWTP
Sandra Viegas. Engenheira de Processo. Aguas do Algarve
Modeling of WWTP sludge dehydration in drying beds
Arthur .A.J.Lima.Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
Solutions for sludge management in small agglomerations: decentralised anaerobic digestion
Leticia Pereira Gómez. FCC Aqualia
Study of the suitable feed diet for dry anaerobic co-digestion between sludge from a WWTP and two agro-industrial wastes
Alejandro Oreja Piris. Consorcio para la gestión de los servicios medioambientales de la diputación de Badajoz
Risks in sustainable management of wastewater treatment plants of small villages associated with the objectives of nutrient content reduction
Pedro Tomás Martín de la Vega Manzano PhD. PROMEDIO. Dpto I+D+i. Consorcio para la gestión de los servicios medio ambientales de la Diputación de Badajoz
Mediterranean living labs for non-conventional water reuse at local scale: Menawara project
Isabel Martín García PhD. Fundación CENTA
Evaluation of effective microorganisms (em) in the process of treatment of domestic wastewater in high-andean conditions
Juan Eduardo Vigo Rivera. Universidad Peruana Unión
Surveillance of SARS-COV-2 RNA in small communities wastewater: a tool for monitoring the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic
Pedro Tomás Martín de la Vega Manzano PhD. PROMEDIO. Dpto I+D+i. Consorcio para la gestión de los servicios medio ambientales de la Diputación de Badajoz
Characterization of the main emerging pollutants in WWTP affluents of small rural villagesand monitoring of their removal
M. Isabel Fernández Fernández. Consorcio para la gestión de los servicios medio ambientales de la Diputación de Badajoz. PROMEDIO
Microplastics in small wastewater treatment plants: a case of study in sierra de Cádiz (Spain)
Ana Amelia Franco. Dpto. Tecnología Ambiental. Facultad de Ciencias del Mar y del Medio Ambiente. Universidad de Cádiz